Solana's Trusted Choice
Extrnode is elevating Solana RPC with over 25 million requests served daily via infrastructure from Everstake, 01node, Stakin, Chainstack and 100+ Public RPC Endpoints
Unregistered users get 100 requests per second and a 1 million daily limit. Get a FREE account to enjoy higher limits, usage stats, detailed request logs and more
Create a FREE account
to get the most of Extrnode
Use our open-source balancer to test
your Solana dApps on mainnet
Run <docker run -d -p 80:80 --name solana-lb_c extrnode/solana-lb>
command on Docker
Connect your decentralized application (dApp) to a balancer
Automatically reroute your requests if any public RPC node in a cluster is down
Map of Solana nodes and public RPC endpoints
Explore Solana public RPC endpoints
endpoints found
RPC Endpoint | Type | Supported methods | Country | Provider | Version | |
Join our community to build a decentralized RPC layer of Web3
Contacts us via email:
[email protected]
[email protected]